24 June 2008

GOVERNMENT NERALY AGREED * SPS’ blast from the pas * DS nearly completed metamorphosis away from the late PM Djindjic’s heritage

The new Government of Serbia has been almost agreed about between Tadic’s DS (Democratic Party) and their future governing partners SPS (Socialist Party of Serbia)-led Milosevic/Arkan's successors (Palma's Serbian National Unity Party). So, former Milosevic closest associates have dictated the way these post election negotiations took place and have won incredible ministerial gains for the 8% ballot-party.
In fact, SPS' Dacic, and former chief Milosevic-Jugend, emerged today in media so cocky to state that SPS actually all mercifully gave away the PM seat to DS thus demanding rightfully earned hefty compensation. And Tadic, my main point, will give it to them without a blink of an eye: Deputy PM and Speaker of the Parliament position (!?), Police, Secret services, oil industry (NIS), entire energy sector, and much more will be in sole command of newly back Milosevic apparatchiks, war criminals and profiteers, and social demagogues.

The biggest laugh of all is that there is a rumor that Tadic-the-omnipotentious may ask his trabant Vuk Jeremic to form the government !? How sick is this? Incredible in deed.

Two strong impressions I can not escape, the first one of how neatly SPS and Palma match DS company in terms of the current politics, priorities, lingo, etc., and the second, how Dacic is bold enough to be very frank how SPS is not going through any kind of change or god forbid distancing from the 1990s, rather, he is open about saying that this pact with DS is a proof how SPS has noting to answer for regarding the 1990s.

The last is precisely what pisses me of with those DS/Boris voters who declare ability to see how all this is the best thing that can happen to us and that DS is still a force to rest our reform hopes with. LDP is en route to equally making me angry by the lack of stability of their anti-SPS stance and, which eventually was turned into getting into the DS backside. Borise! Why did you turned your back to us?

Plain truth is that without lustration and more serious effort to come with the terms of the past no serious and speedy enough reforms in Serbia are possible, especially not with this kind of SPS’ positioning. Yes, other nations managed without but we could not and will not.

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